Monday, July 23, 2007

Holy Spirit Power

This is a continuation of Power through Christ.  It was Christ that sent us the Holy Spirit as our Comforter.  Some may view a Comforter as someone that makes us feel better when we are down.  When we are out, when we are feeling depressed.  The Holy Spirit does all those things plus much more.  The Holy Spirit as I said before is the Spirit of Christ living in us.  So you may ask, exactly how does this make us different from the rest of the world?  It is the Holy Spirit that convicts us if we are doing something that is not pleasing unto the Lord.  The Spirit reveals things to us in our souls that makes us want to be pleasing so we turn away from those things that are wrong, and if we do mess up, we ask forgiveness.  God is faithful to forgive when asked.  He says we must forgive also in order to be forgiven.  Forgive those that trespass against us.  The Holy Spirit is also the "Power" given to us through Christ to use His name, as we have became adopted heirs with Him to the Kingdom of God.  When we invite Christ to come into our lives, and ask to be baptized in His Spirit we have the power to trod on the enemy.  We put satan under our feet.  We become much more aware of what we say and do.  The scripture says, from the abundance of the heart, the tongue speaks.  Some non-believers view accepting God as something that would take them away from those things that bring them pleasure, those things that are called fun.  In actuality the Holy Spirit will change you, but the change is for the better.  Those that do not believe, do not realize they are the walking dead.  Doomed for eternity to a place called Hell.  They view death as the grave, and that they will just cease to exist.  Jesus went to the cross for all of us, while we were still sinners.  He took on the sins of the world, when He himself was sinless.  He paid a price He did not owe, because we being born into sin, owed a debt we could not pay.  Some think well why would this wonderful God put sin on all of us?  He didn't.  He created man in His image, which was sinless.  Then He gave man instructions, that man did not follow.  Therefore sin entered the world.  God never fails.  Man does.  When we are reborn of Gods Spirit, (baptized in the Spirit) we are then perfected as we grow "In" Him.  His desires become our desires.  His Word becomes the standard we try to live by.  All will have eternal life, but Jesus gave us a choice as to where we spend it.  He says I set before you life and death, choose life.  Death is eternal torment in Hell.  The Holy Spirit brings both gifts and fruit.  These are things that are not of the natural world after man fell.  That is how we are to judge a person according to Gods Word.  You become a fruit inspector.  His Word says, You shall know them by their fruit.  That is called trying the Spirit that is in a person.  There are 9 fruit.  Love, Peace, Long suffering, Gentleness, Goodness, Faith, Meekness, Temperance, Joy.  Those that do not know the Lord may possess some of these qualities, but eternal life does not come from works, or fruit, it is only made possible by faith through God's grace.  Many say so and so is a very good person.  They may appear good, they may even be good, but they will only be saved by faith through Gods grace.   Those that fear giving up their worldly ways, afraid they will never have fun, will never experience the JOY of the Lord.  Fun, happiness, these are things that come and go.  The JOY of the Lord is ever lasting.  That is where Holy Spirit Power reigns in this life, not just when we pass from this body into the presence of the Lord.  It is where life and life more abundantly comes into play.  Salvation is the greatest of all gifts, but can you imagine the JOY in this life, if you healed the sick through Christ?  If you could walk through every situation with Peace, and not fear?  If you awoke each day with JOY in your heart?  If you never felt alone, no matter the circumstances?  If you knew you could bless everyone in your family, love your neighbor, and make this a better place for your children and grand children?  Aren't those things worth having in this life?  YOU can have them.  They were given for whosoever will believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, ask Him into their heart sincerely.  Ask forgiveness of sin.  Declare Jesus as Lord of your life. Then you should be baptized in water, (this is obedience and is symbolic of washing away your sins by the blood of Jesus). Then ask God to baptize you in His Holy Spirit because you desire to be Christ like.   After that expect the Holy Spirit to direct your steps.  You will fail often at first, perhaps many times, but when you know you have failed, simply ask God to forgive you, and your forgiven.  The Bible says we are to forgive 7 X 70 in one day if asked.  I think that means always, for we are not counting.  You will grow more each day, as you study Gods Word, and the JOY and PEACE of the Lord that goes beyond understanding will begin to grow in you.  My next entry will be, "Prayer Life".  Until then Jesus loves you, and so do I.  Be blessed!

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