Sunday, July 22, 2007

Power Through Christ

When Jesus walked upon this earth, He had the power of God in Heaven, as Jesus was there in the beginning, but at that time He was the Word.  In the beginning was the Word, the Word was God and the Word was with God.  The Word became flesh and walked among us.  When Jesus went to the cross for the sins of the world.  He told His followers, I will not leave you without comfort.  I will send the "Holy Spirit" who will be your Comforter.  As I said in my previous entry, the Holy Spirit will teach you all things.  Jesus having the Power of God within Him, taught as the Father wanted Him to.  Because He was one with the Father.  He said if you have seen me, you have seen the Father.  Every place Jesus went after He was baptized, He went around healing the sick, restoring vision to the blind, making the lame walk, etc.  Let me back up here and say Jesus was baptized in the waters of the Jordan river.  He was baptized by John the Baptist.  John told the people He was baptizing before Jesus came along.  I baptize thee in water, He that comes after me, (meaning Jesus) will baptize thee in the in fire, (meaning the Holy Spirit).  You may ask, why would He have called the Holy Spirit fire?  Because fire refines those things that it consumes.  It polishes metals such as gold and silver.  The Holy Spirit is what sits us a part from the rest of the world.  When John baptized Jesus, the Spirit desended  upon Him as a dove, and the Father spoke from Heaven saying this is my son in whom I am well pleased.  All 3 parts of the God Head were present that day in the same place.  Jesus in the water, the Holy Spirit as a dove, and the Father spoke from Heaven.  It was after His baptism that He sat about doing miracles.  His first miracle was at a wedding, where He turned the water into wine.  He continued on doing the Fathers will after that by healing the sick, raising the dead, and so on.  He went about doing good for the glory of the Father.  Jesus had followers that were His disciples.  He taught them in the ways of the Father.  He told them if they were believers, they too would do all the things He did, and even greater things would they do.  Jesus baptized them in water and told them to go to the upper room, and wait until the Holy Spirit came upon them.  After Jesus ascended into Heaven, many were filled with the Holy Spirit.  When this happened they spoke in new tongues (languages they had not spoken for).  They were filled and knew they had became the anointed ones, and the great commission was for them to set about teaching the gospel of Christ, to go into ALL the world.  Declaring the gospel of Christ.  That is called Holy Spirit Power.  It is the power given to every believer, that they can trod on the enemy and have authority through Christ.  As the Word of God says, not by power (meaning self power), not by might, only by my Spirit sayeth the Lord.  There is power in the name of Jesus.  There is authority in the name of Jesus.  As Spirit filled believers in Christ baptised in the Holy Spirit we have the same power over all things that Jesus had.  It is no longer I that lives but Jesus that lives in me.  This comes by taking on the Spirit of Christ, and putting the flesh to death, (meaning doing Gods will instead of our fleshly will).  The Bible is the inspired Word of God given to man by the Holy Spirit. The Spirit spoke to over 40 men as they wrote the Bible. (God is the Author).  Most of these men, never knew each other, yet each one lends truth one to the other.  There are things in the Bible (Word of God) that no man of that time could have known other wise.  Things revealed that would and have came to pass.  The very center verse of the Bible says, It is better to put ALL your trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man.  Still there are many people today that call themselves believers that have NOT laid hold of the power.  In other words, they have been baptised in water, and they have confessed Christ as their Savior.  They are promised eternal life in Christ, they have an endwelling of the Holy Spirit, yet they have not been baptised In the Holy Spirit.  They are not yet totally fullfilled.  They believe, but they do not act on the belief.  They say they have faith, yet they have no works.  The Word of God says, faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.  Faith is the substance of things hoped for evidenced by things not seen.  It goes on to say, faith without works is dead.  Lets stop and consider this scenario.  Say a man is told by the doctor His child does not have long to live.  The fleshly man will fall on His face in grief, taking the doctor at His Word.  Yet the Spiritual man will know accepting that doctors diagnoses would be putting confidence in man instead of God.  The Spiritual man will remember Gods Words that say, I can do ALL things through Him that gives me strength.  The Spiritual man will hear Gods voice saying, you as a believer shall lay hands on the sick and they shall be healed.  The Spiritual man knows in His heart, that children are blessings, and God does not send blessings, just to take them back again.  It is the enemy that comes to lie, steal, and kill.  God has given us all the instructions in the Bible to lay hold of the power to be Overcomers through Christ Jesus.  The Bible even promises 70 years to each of us, yet not all lay hold of that, not all receive their time on earth.  Anything more than 70 is a blessing.  God also says that many will stand before Him saying they healed the sick, cast out demons etc. in the name of Jesus, and God will say I never knew you.  That shows just how much power there is in that name alone.  Even some not living according to Gods divine purpose and plan will be able to do miracles in His name alone.  Yet many Christians will tell you, they do not have that kind of power.  Perhaps they should go back and re-read that part of the Bible that says many do not have  because they do not ask.  (Again ask and you shall recieve. ) Meaning the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.  My next entry will be, "Holy Spirit Power," Until then be blessed in Jesus name.  Amen & Amen

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