Tuesday, July 24, 2007


If you do not yet know Christ as Lord, you may not know what it means to pray.  To pray is to communicate with God our Father in Heaven. Many will tell you there are lots of different ways of praying.  When Jesus was asked how to pray, He said, "Our Father who are in Heaven, Holy by thy name, thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.  Give us this day our daily bread and for give us our trespasses as we forgive those that tresspass against us.  Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory for ever Amen.  Lets look at that prayer again.  God is holy,( so He wants us to be holy).  Thy Kingdom come,( that is calling the Kingdom down to us).  Thy will be done.  (His will not ours).  Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.  (There is no sin, sickness, lack in Heaven, that is how God wants it to be on earth).  Lead us not into temptation,( the Lord will not lead us astray).  But deliver us from evil. ( Evil is here and all will be tempted, but it is not of God).  Give us this day our daily bread.  (We should not go hungry).  Forgive us our tresspasses as we forgive those that tresspass against us.  (Forgive if you wish to be forgiven).


Also God says to go into our Prayer Closet.  It means we get the best results when we are in a still, quiet place, talking to God.  He says not to make long drawn out prayers in the church to impress others.  He says those things we do in private, will be rewarded in public. 

Gods Word says that when we stand praying, believe that we have received, and we shall receive.  Many pray but do not believe.  It is obvious because they pray the same request over and over.  It is only common sense that if we believed our prayer would be answered, there would be no need to repeat it.  We are to walk by faith, not by sight.  We are to meditate in the Word both night and day, NOTHING WAIVERING


There is a scripture that says, " Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your request be made known to God.  And the peace of God which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.  Gods Word says to pray without ceasing.  That would mean, before you do anything, pray about it.  If you are at total peace about what you are praying for, then you have the answer.  Anything that brings fear, doubt, anger, pain etc. are not of God.  We are to pray one for another.  I believe the best way to pray for another, or to pray about a situation is to release the Word of God over the situation in faith.  After all it is God's Word, and He said His Word would NEVER return void. As the scriptures say Heaven and earth will pass away but the written Word is eternal.  Seek thee first the Kingdom of Heaven and His righteousness and all things will be added unto you.  Jesus said when 2 or more of us agree touching anything, it will done by our Father in Heaven.  If there is not another person present, then my prayer must aline with the Holy Spirit which means 2 of us, (the spirit, and I).  In order for the Spirit to agree, it must be spoken from our mouths by applying the scripture to the situation.  Example:  In times of trouble pray like this, Father I declare in the name of Jesus, that no weapon formed against me shall prosper.  In Jesus name Greater is He that is in me, than He that is in the world.  Then Thank Him in Jesus name and give Jesus the glory.  You have released the Word over the situation, and it is the Word that NEVER returns void, when spoken in faith.  Too often people dwell in the situation, not in the answer.  In many cases that could be because they do NOT know the Word.  That is why the Bible says, each must study to show themselves approved.  God has already given us Victory over sin, sickness, fear, doubt etc. Through His Son Jesus Christ that gave His life for us.  The enemy will still put those things on us, but we have the Authority to be Over comers, and we also have the instructions.  (Written Word).  When satan tempted Jesus, every time Jesus replied with, It is written.  That is all He said.  That actually shows that satan knew it was written, because He backed off.  Many believers do notknow that.  My next entry will show you what applying the scriptures and standing in faith has done in the lives of me and my family.  Until then, be blessed.  Jesus loves you and so do I.

1 comment:

zuveena said...

i love ur blogs...hope u have some time to visit mine...and plz dont forget to leave a comment..thanx...God loves us all..